2021 Advanced Analytics Special Report

The ability to better understand customers and shape buying behavior is driving the need for more extensive analytics. Gain insight into key findings based on enVista’s 2021 Inventory Optimization Survey.

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Understanding Your Customers

Knowing the customer better than the competition empowers organizations to create better assortments, personalized promotions and marketing campaigns to drive sales and enhance customer loyalty. Many companies have an abundance of in-store and online data that can be used to inform business decisions but analyzing this information can be challenging.

  • Gain insight into collecting and analyzing customer data and applying it to the planning process
  • Discover key findings regarding what areas of customer data, such as CRM data and POS transactions, retailers are integrating into the planning process
  • Learn how businesses are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to personalize the customer experience
Fill out the form to download the report. 

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