Carrier Sourcing Strategies and Best Practices

Maximize Flexibility, Minimize Cost, Deliver Value.

Shippers can best enable themselves to negotiate with parcel carriers by being flexible and enabling themselves to switch carriers, incorporate new carriers and make necessary changes to distribution. Download our white paper to learn more.

These leading shippers know us. You should, too.


Benefit from a partner in negotiations.

enVista’s experts are well versed in transportation pricing and carrier/contract management. With extensive professional knowledge of how carrier contract analyses and negotiations work from both sides of the table, enVista’s experts consistently deliver savings in every transportation mode, and from shipper to shipper, with an average of 8-10 percent.

enVista will help you discover what’s most important and work to achieve your goals.
  • Channel transit time requirements
  • Capacity requirements
  • Technology integration
  • Exception reporting
  • Live shipment tracking
  • Insurance/indemnification
  • Pickup/lead times
  • Delivery windows
  • Accessorial/surcharge targets
Contact enVista today and let's have a conversation.

Let's have a conversation.™

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