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A Self Help Guide for First Line Supervisors



Written by Gene Gagnon, Revised by Jim Barnes

Supervising on the Line is a must-have resource, offering leadership skills and tools first line supervisors truly need to be successful. The front line supervisor holds direct responsibility for a company's biggest asset - its labor, with significant impact to the bottom line.

Authored by Labor Management pioneer Gene Gagnon, Supervising on the Line has been recently revised and republished by leading supply chain expert and enVista CEO Jim Barnes. Through stories and real-life "on the line" examples, the book offers timeless, common sense tips for managing employees in the distribution environment.

What People are Saying:

"This book is a must-read for a first line supervisor in the warehouse. Supervising on the Line is a timeless book, still as relevant today as it was when it was first written."

- Dan Gilmore, President & Editor-in-Chief, Supply Chain Digest

"Supervising on the Line provides a common sense approach to solving typical first line supervisor problems; the material and anecdotes are all something our management team can relate to. It's quickly becoming an invaluable tool."

- Kent Kostuk, PhD, PEng, Industrial Engineering Manager,
Federated Cooperatives Limited

"This is a great book to give new and senior supervisors the big picture. Focus is unique because it looks at supervising in a warehouse environment. Recommended reading if you are looking to implement labor tracking and reporting systems or just want to be a better supervisor."

- Rated 5-Stars on Amazon.com

Order your copy of Supervising on the Line now!
