Design Build vs. Design-Bid-Build


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Choosing the Right Project Delivery Method for Your Next Facility Improvement

Whether a company is undertaking the automation of a new distribution center or modernizing an existing operation, determining the correct project delivery method will be one of the most important decisions that a project owner will have to make. The two predominant approaches to project delivery in the design and automation of distribution centers are Design-Bid-Build and Design Build.

In this enVista enSights paper, you will learn the difference between Design-Bid-Build and Design Build project delivery methods as well as key considerations in determining the optimal project delivery solution including:

  • Thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of both project delivery methods
  • Selecting the correct technologies and software solutions
  • Devising the optimal implementation strategies and timelines that will most efficiently and economically achieve the desired end state, while minimizing risk
  • Leveraging the core competencies and skill sets of selected partners